

Dear Part­ners!

We are pleased to announce that this year’s C3 Meeting will take place from 10 – 12 Decem­ber 2023 in Graz. The Meeting is orga­nized in coop­er­a­tion with the Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty of Graz and the Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na and switch its loca­tion between Vien­na and Graz bian­nu­al­ly. Upon the excit­ing revival of this intrigu­ing inter­dis­ci­pli­nary pro­fes­sion­al activ­i­ty focus­ing to

Con­sen­sus – Con­tro­ver­sies – Com­pro­mise – C3

In Vien­na four years ago, a pro­found need for such a com­pre­hen­sive meeting for­mat became appar­ent, where Live pro­ce­dures and Hands-on work­shops meet high-lev­el lec­tures giv­en by leg­ends in the field. This for­mat ignites numer­ous excit­ing dis­cus­sions every year and it is our plea­sure to invite you to join us for the C3 Meeting 2023 from 10 – 12 Decem­ber 2023 in Graz.

Inter­ven­tion­al car­di­ol­o­gists, car­diac sur­geons, and many oth­er spe­cial­ists trav­el from Europe and the entire world to share their exper­tise on con­sen­sus – con­tro­ver­sies – com­pro­mise and to debate on the man­age­ment of car­dio­vas­cu­lar pathologies.

Pro-Con Dis­cus­sions, State-of-the-Art Lec­tures, and trans­mis­sion of Live-Pro­ce­dures are the envi­ron­ment of this meeting to dis­cuss patient-spe­cif­ic options by per­son­al­ized deci­sions, chal­lenge Guide­lines and unveil real unmet med­ical needs.

Bring your exper­tise and dis­cuss burn­ing ques­tions about new ther­a­pies and estab­lished treat­ment algo­rithms. Catheter-based ther­a­pies will be per­formed LIVE. Fur­ther­more, nov­el, com­plex or min­i­mal­ly-inva­sive sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dures will be per­formed LIVE and trans­mit­ted to the appeal­ing meeting venue the Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty of Graz.

Join us in Decem­ber at the C3 Meeting 2023 in Graz!


On a first come, first serve basis!

Diamond Sponsor
  • 1 Sym­po­sium
  • 2 Work­shops on Sunday
  • 1 Live in a Box
  • 12 sqm Exhi­bi­tion Booth
  • 8 Free Reg­is­tra­tions for Indus­try Mem­bers ONSITE
  • Brand­ing at Con­gress Venue
  • Logo on Con­gress Bag
  • 2 Inlays in Con­gress Bag*
  • Brand­ed Items (Lanyard/​Pen/​Notepad)
  • Com­mer­cial Spot 2 min.*
  • 3 Slides (shown dur­ing Break)*
  • 2 E‑blasts*
  • 2 Social Media Campaign*
  • Advert in Con­fer­ence Guide — Full page*
  • Logo on Break Slides
  • Logo on Orga­niz­ers E‑blasts
  • Logo & link on Meeting Website
  • Logo in con­fer­ence guide

* Material/​Content must be pro­vid­ed by the sponsor

Platinum Sponsor
  • 1 Sym­po­sium
  • 1 Work­shops on Sunday
  • 1 Live in a Box
  • 6 sqm Exhi­bi­tion Booth
  • 6 Free Reg­is­tra­tions for Indus­try Mem­bers ONSITE
  • Brand­ing at Con­gress Venue
  • Logo on Con­gress Bag
  • 1 Inlays in Con­gress Bag*
  • Com­mer­cial Spot 1 min.*
  • 2 Slides (shown dur­ing Break)*
  • 1 E‑blasts*
  • 1 Social Media Campaign*
  • Advert in Con­fer­ence Guide — half page*
  • Logo on Break Slides
  • Logo on Orga­niz­ers E‑blasts
  • Logo & link on Meeting Website
  • Logo in con­fer­ence guide

* Material/​Content must be pro­vid­ed by the sponsor

Gold Sponsor
  • 1 Work­shops on Sunday
  • 1 Live in a Box 
  • 6 sqm Exhi­bi­tion Booth
  • 5 Free Reg­is­tra­tions for Indus­try Mem­bers ONSITE
  • Brand­ing at Con­gress Venue
  • Logo on Con­gress Bag
  • 1 Inlays in Con­gress Bag*
  • 1 Slides (shown dur­ing Break)*
  • 1 E‑blasts*
  • Advert in Con­fer­ence Guide — half page*
  • Logo on Break Slides
  • Logo on Orga­niz­ers E‑blasts
  • Logo & link on Meeting Website
  • Logo in con­fer­ence guide

* Material/​Content must be pro­vid­ed by the sponsor

Silver Sponsor
  • 6 sqm Exhi­bi­tion Booth
  • 4 Free Reg­is­tra­tions for Indus­try Mem­bers ONSITE
  • Brand­ing at Con­gress Venue
  • Logo on Con­gress Bag
  • 1 Inlays in Con­gress Bag*
  • 1 Slides (shown dur­ing Break)*
  • 1 E‑blasts*
  • Advert in Con­fer­ence Guide — half page*
  • Logo on Break Slides
  • Logo on Orga­niz­ers E‑blasts
  • Logo & link on Meeting Website
  • Logo in con­fer­ence guide

* Material/​Content must be pro­vid­ed by the sponsor

Bronze Sponsor
  • 6 sqm Exhi­bi­tion Booth
  • 2 Free Reg­is­tra­tions for Indus­try Mem­bers ONSITE
  • Brand­ing at Con­gress Venue
  • 1 Inlays in Con­gress Bag*
  • Advert in Con­fer­ence Guide — 1/​4 page*
  • Logo on Break Slides
  • Logo on Orga­niz­ers E‑blasts
  • Logo & link on Meeting Website
  • Logo in con­fer­ence guide 

* Material/​Content must be pro­vid­ed by the sponsor


The allo­ca­tion of exhi­bi­tion space depends on avail­abil­i­ty on receipt of reg­is­tra­tion and on time­ly payment.

EEI can­not guar­an­tee booth traf­fic. It is the exhibit­ing company’s respon­si­bil­i­ty to pro­mote its pres­ence at C3 Meeting 2023.

Exhibitors may install and dis­man­tle only dur­ing offi­cial installing and dis­man­tling times. Prod­uct infor­ma­tion can­not be dis­trib­uted at any sci­en­tif­ic session.

Participation in Scientific program
  • Live Case
  • Sym­po­sium
  • Work­shop

Upon request

Further services
  • ‘Booth in Exhi­bi­tion Area (6sqm)
  • E‑blast pri­or meeting* (dead­line must be dis­cussed with con­gress organization)
  • E‑blast includ­ing Social media cam­paign (dead­line must be dis­cussed with con­gress organization)
  • Advert in con­fer­ence guide (full page)*
  • Advert in con­fer­ence guide (1/​2 page)*
  • Advert in con­fer­ence guide (1/​4 page)*
  • Ban­ner advert on meeting website*
  • 1 inlay in con­gress bag*
  • 1 min com­mer­cial spot (pro­vid­ed by spon­sor and approved by sci­en­tif­ic secretariat)*
  • 2 min com­mer­cial spot (pro­vid­ed by spon­sor and approved by sci­en­tif­ic secretariat)*
  • Pow­er point Slide (shown dur­ing breaks)*
  • Spon­sor­ing Social Evening (Brand­ing + 5 invitations)
  • Spon­sor­ing Lunch (Brand­ing)
  • Spon­sor­ing Fac­ul­ty Din­ner (Brand­ing + 5 invitations)
  • Spon­sor­ing Breaks (Brand­ing)
  • Brand­ing at meeting venue*

* Material/​Content must be pro­vid­ed by the sponsor


C3 Meeting 2023 will take place from Decem­ber 10 – 12, 2023 at the Med­ical Uni­ver­si­ty of Graz, Austria.

Please review all the spon­sor­ing options and if you have any fur­ther ques­tions contact:

Edu­ca­tion Event Impact GmbH
Ms Denia Hunger­büh­ler
E‑Mail: d.​hungerbuehler@​ee-​impact.​org
Phone: +41 (0) 79 247 98 75


A writ­ten con­tract for spon­sor­ship is always required to reas­sure trans­paren­cy. The con­tract can be draft­ed either by your com­pa­ny or by us.


After sign­ing the con­tract, you will receive your con­fir­ma­tion and invoice. The invoice must be paid with­in 10 days and no lat­er than 4 weeks before the meeting, oth­er­wise we can­not guar­an­tee your spon­sor­ship. Please note that your com­pa­ny will not be list­ed as a spon­sor before receipt of payment.


Approx­i­mate­ly 2 weeks pri­or to the con­gress start, you will receive all rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion for your pres­ence at the meeting. Please let us know the names of whom you would like to reg­is­ter for free as part of your spon­sor pack­age until lat­est Novem­ber 10, 2023. 


The con­tent needs to be dis­cussed with the con­gress sec­re­tari­at and speak­er select­ed by the com­pa­ny. Since the con­gress orga­ni­za­tion works close­ly with the course direc­tors, we will dis­cuss your ideas and thoughts about the agen­da with them. We would appre­ci­ate your writ­ten sug­ges­tions (top­ics for sym­po­sium etc.) as soon as pos­si­ble, in order to be able to coor­di­nate all the details and final­ize the agenda.

Pre­sen­ta­tion Live on-site: Sym­po­sium and Work­shop include room, room set­up, basic audio­vi­su­al and reg­is­tra­tion ser­vices. For the max. num­ber of par­tic­i­pants, we will fol­low the cur­rent rules.

Please note that addi­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties and expens­es such as mar­ket­ing efforts as well as fac­ul­ty expens­es are not cov­ered in the spon­sor pack­ages. The speaker’s name and con­tact details must be pro­vid­ed to EEI GmbH by the spon­sor no lat­er than 2 weeks after the reg­is­tra­tion for sponsorship.

The Sym­po­sium and Work­shop must be edu­ca­tion­al in nature. The mate­r­i­al for the Sym­po­sium and Work­shop has to be pro­vid­ed by the sponsor.


by the congress organizer Education Event Impact GmbH (EEI)

Our world is con­stant­ly chang­ing and we all expect trans­paren­cy and fair­ness for what­ev­er deci­sions are being made. This obvi­ous­ly also influ­ences our field – med­ical edu­ca­tion and the coop­er­a­tion between physi­cians and indus­try part­ners. We as con­gress orga­niz­ers are ful­ly com­mit­ted to con­tribut­ing to a more trans­par­ent orga­ni­za­tion of our con­gress­es and meetings.

With this state­ment, EEI and all its mem­bers declare to dis­close all infor­ma­tion and with­out equiv­o­ca­tion work with­in the prin­ci­ples of transparency.

We will com­ply with the MedTech Europe Code of Busi­ness Prac­tice and rel­e­vant local laws, reg­u­la­tions and indus­try codes. Our “Third Par­ty Organ­ised Edu­ca­tion Events” will be sub­mit­ted to the Con­fer­ence Vet­ting Sys­tem (CVS) for assess­ment in order to ensure its clear guide­lines and rules. EEI and its mem­bers will take any and all nec­es­sary mea­sures to com­ply and ensure approval of its con­gress and meetings.

The focus of our work will always remain in the edu­ca­tion of physi­cians, and fur­ther­more, in giv­ing the patients the best treat­ment. Exchang­ing infor­ma­tion, espe­cial­ly chal­lenges and solu­tions is essen­tial to med­ical progress and this is where we aim to play a major role. The main pur­pose of our events is to cre­ate a space for com­mu­ni­ca­tion, edu­ca­tion and hence, fos­ter new ideas and improve­ment in medicine.


If you would like to spon­sor a fac­ul­ty mem­ber and take their expens­es to get to the C3 Meeting, kind­ly con­tact Ms Denia Hunger­büh­ler via email: d.​hungerbuehler@​ee-​impact.​org to get more information.

Please note that your spon­sor­ship pack­age to the meeting does not cov­er an edu­ca­tion­al grant and there­fore is treat­ed as a sep­a­rate sup­port. If you would like to pro­vide edu­ca­tion­al grants to bring physi­cians to the con­gress, please con­tact the organizer.

Overall questions and congress organization

Edu­ca­tion Event Impact GmbH
Stein­hauser­strasse 1
6330 Cham
Con­tact: Ms Denia Hunger­büh­ler
E‑Mail: d.​hungerbuehler@​ee-​impact.​org